Pregnancy Consulting


All Your Questions Answered and More

As mentioned before, as I began working with pregnant families, and even families pre-conception, there arose so many questions. The answers weren’t being offered by their other providers based on time, lack of knowledge, or simply brushed them off.

I quickly found that my chiropractic and CST appointments were turning into an entire consultation to answer more questions. What test is this? Do I have to do it? What information is it supposed to give me? What do I do with the results? How do I prepare? Should I feel this way? How SHOULD I feel? What should I be eating? Are these the right supplements? Are they even GOOD? What things to avoid? Why didn’t my OB tell me that?! And so so so many more.

Pregnancy consulting appointments can be in person or virtual depending on time and geography and serve to clarify some of the confusion that may arise at this time.

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Let’s see if we’re a good fit.