Chiropractic Care


The best alignment for the best outcome

If you have been under Chiropractic care before, Dr. Kyle and the Pleasantly Pregnant model may look and feel slightly different. The aim is to properly align the pelvis with specific Chiropractic assessments and adjustments (Webster Technique) to allow for your baby to be in their best possible position for labor and birth.

Dr. Kyle will also utilize soft tissue release/muscle work to help relax tight tissues. He may use specific kinesio-taping methods to support the growing belly and flexible pelvis. All this can be done with a portable drop table, hands-on, instrumentation, focus, and love. At times, Dr. Kyle may even incorporate CST, in addition, to further support the ever-changing growing baby inside the womb.

Chiropractic care is also amazing for babies, infants, and children. Their little bodies undergo stress as well. Their spines can be gently assessed and adjusted using mere fingertip pressure to restore proper function, allowing them to thrive!


First Time

If you have never been under Chiropractic care, first, let’s describe it for context.

Chiropractic is the practice of evaluating the spine and body to detect the presence of subluxations. Your spine is composed of vertebrae that house and protect your spinal cord. In addition to your brain, your spinal cord makes up your central nervous system from which all the nerves in your body stem from and extend to and control your organs, tissues, and cells. When these vertebrae become misaligned, either from physical, chemical, energetic, or emotional stress, this does not allow for proper signals or communication from the spinal cord to control the body, causing symptoms.

By delivering specific chiropractic adjustments to the spine to restore alignment, the body can then heal itself, grow, change, thrive, and experience life at its true potential.


What might Chiropractic care look like during different stages of your journey?


In the pre-natal phase, we work together to make sure that all the structures of the pelvis, muscles, ligaments, and supported organs are balanced and aligned. When all the structures of the pelvis are in proper position and functioning optimally, conception can be easier, the body is more comfortable, there is less physical stress, and you are primed to have a healthy pregnancy. We will address the entire spine as well in order to support all functions of the body so that when your beautiful baby begins to grow and develop in your womb, everything feels and works at its best. As your body continues to change and grow, we continue to focus on all the pelvic structures and soft tissues. Your center of gravity and body composition will be changing by the week, and we will work together to make sure you are balanced, comfortable, and operating at your best to allow baby to thrive.

Early Signs of Labour

As you progress, and early signs of labor begin, now is a vital time to make sure you are properly supported and aligned. The relaxin circulating in your system makes the pelvis more flexible to allow baby to come through the birth canal. Due to this increase in laxity, misalignments can happen easier, and it is a very important time to have some adjustments. More signs of labor will continue as the time for you to meet your baby gets closer and closer.

After the Baby Arrives

After baby is here, you may want to have your spine and pelvis assessed as well. Depending on how your baby arrived, your pelvic structures may have misaligned again. Lighter, more subtle adjustments can be made while you are still healing and after a few weeks, the adjustments will change and become more specific to your body’s changing needs.

What about baby?! Can they be checked and adjusted? Yes…so much YES!

Newborn and infant adjusting

Newborn and infant adjusting is one of the most beautiful experiences. Their spines and nervous systems can be checked as soon as they are born. LITERALLY. This gives their body the opportunity to function optimally, giving them the ability to grow, change, develop and thrive at their absolute best. This is an amazing gift to offer to any family, and these gentle, soft adjustments will help baby in the short and long term. Babies that are checked and adjusted early in life show signs of better sleep, feeding, temperament, digestion, attachment, and so much more!

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